

selected student sound works

Experiments in Sound Final Project Example

Electroacoustic composition featuring an A Capella archival recording collected by Helen McAllister and Sue Holley on August 4, 1959 of singer Frank Poole, new ambisonic field recordings, and ambisonic experimental/improvised cello performances. Mastered using the ATK (ambisonic tool kit) render in stereo

Student works 2020.009.jpeg

Custom viewpoint modifying glasses and smart device vertical video + interactive ambisonic installation created for Sound + Space using 16.2 channel research speaker array designed and built by the class as an earlier group project utilizing the ATK (ambisonic tool kit).



For the first project create an acousmatic 2-5min pastiche composition. Select a single sound sample no longer than 3 seconds (or a single instance of Attack Sustain and Decay) then use a mixture of the audio synthesis and DSP techniques discussed in class to create a new granular composition.

Respond to Jean-Claude Risset’s Mutations (1969) by manipulating your single sound sample to create your work. The subsequent new composition must be entirely created from your chosen sample and should display a variety of textures and layers while exploring the panning law and stereo field.


6k digital capture + ambisonic score created in Experiments in Moving Image I


Binaural geolocated sound installation created in Sound + Space

Documentation created by student*


4k digital capture + ambisonic score created in Experiments in Moving Image I